Think you're capable of cranking out some of that Just Blaze or Danja fire? If you've caught the producer bug (or if you just love any music-related gadgets), you're gonna go ga-ga over the Roland Micro-BR, a portable studio that's only a bit larger than an iPod (think Blackberry size). It offers four simulteneous playback tracks, 32 V-tracks (virtual tracks), 293 drum patterns, a dedicated guitar input, a built-in tuner and micropohone, a USB port and more. Plus, it loads and plays MP3 files (imagine the sampling possibilities!)
You can actually fit this baby in your pocket and build tracks while you're on the go. Or, you can just load your iTunes library up in here and use it as a regular MP3 player. Plus, bust this: you can mess around with any of the MP3s loaded by utilizing the time stretch feature, which allows you to alternate the tempo of any track without changing the pitch (yep, you can go all chopped and screwed and make every little syllable streeeeetch out).
The world's smallest pro studio retails for $319.50 (less than an iPhone, yo!). To cop it (or check out more details), visit